
I figured I would post a few of my favorite bookmarks to whet your appetite a bit. They are pretty popular sites but as I am writing this page mostly for people who aren’t very familiar with the internet. Sorta like my own ‘how-to’ guide.

Wired This one is a technology news site. I check this one first thing in the morning. You must check out thier magazine also. Incredible. A mix of Popular Science and Time for the digital generation.

Salon Straight news…aww who am I kidding, they lean so far left it’s obvious after spending 2 minutes there. I go here for my daily anti Bush commentary. Seriously though they are not that bad. I actually like this site not just because of it’s critical political features but the other general news that you find lower down the page. Yes, they do have an annoying ad that you have to watch to get to the goods every day, but I think it’s a small price to pay to look at their site.

Nerve Literate smut, you ask? Think porn that’s not so dirty. Intellectual erotica? Definatley not what you would think of when someone says the words internet porn. Think more like Real Sex on HBO. Everything from photos to interviews to news to fiction. Plenty of free stuff, but the pictures require a pass.