
I don’t really have a lot to talk about today. Yesterday’s post was about three thousand words, and that’s by far the longest post I’ve written in months, especially for a daily. So far the reaction from the Pennykoin community has been positive. We’ll see how things go.

I’ve had family stuff going on this weekend, so was tied up with all that going on today. Next week I’ll probably have more ideas about a new machine learning project that I’ll be working on at school. I’ll probably have to doxx myself to talk about it, but I think it’s worth it, so we’ll see how that goes.

Speaking of school, the other class that I’ve been taking at school has been about the history of programming languages, theory and history of FORTRAN and all that. It got me looking at LISP, and I’ve been reading about that, and have been watching these old MIT videos from 1986 that deals with it.

Seriously, what is going on with Harold Abelson’s hair in this video?

One of the things that I’ve been struggling to grapple with is functional programming. I first heard about it through Cardano. That team decided to use Haskell for it, as it allows code to be formally validated using math. This is important in the smart contract space, as we saw with the Dao hack. So the MIT vids are actually pretty relevant still today, and I’ve been learning a lot from them. I told my wife that between these classes and my recent progress learning piano and sight reading, that I can feel my brain changing. I was only half joking. This type of meta-cognition is an important part of why I meditate, and all of the stuff that I’m learning is definitely having an effect on the way I’m thinking.

But right now I’m just beat from hosting 20 kids for a birthday party and just want to veg out with some World of Warcraft.


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