I haven’t been keeping up with habits lately, and haven’t written in three days. I also haven’t been working out much, instead drinking and staying up too late. I could make excuses about how work, home and the kids have been stressing me out, but that’s not it. I’ve just got to find other things to do.
I have been getting a lot done on the Ether Auction smart contracts. I’ve been using Hardhat, which is probably a bit too new and buggy for me, given my experience level with Solidity development, but I’m slowly moving forward with TDD. There are a couple bugs that are preventing me from putting the tests together like I would want. Chai methods for ensuring wallet balances change between bid and withdrawal calls seems to be broken, and I can’t seem to retrieve the getters from a public mapping in the contract.
I’ve been reading up on Solidity best practices, fussing over the withdraw function on the app to make sure I don’t have any hacks on the withdrawals. I want a really solid testing suite before I worry about deploying this thing. I’ve got a lot to figure out in the meantime. Just getting the testing suite has been difficult enough, but I’ve still got to finish building the auction instance contracts, the deployer contract, then figure out how to deploy, and get the web3 UI up and running. I have no idea what I’m doing, and will have to learn it all on the fly.
Thankfully the Hardhat community Discord has several helpful people, although the team seems like they have quite the backlog on the Github issues page.
I’m trying to just take it slow break when I get frustrated. I’ve been working through the Javascript ES tutorials on FreeCodeCamp to try and fill the gaps in knowledge, since I’m going to need it more and more.
I’m not happy with the pace of progress that I’m making, but as long as I make some progress every day I should be happy.