Hard work

I decided not to write yesterday. It was a generally productive day culminating with a pretty serious meeting. I felt like I came out of if pretty well synced up and had a good evening with the family. After I put them to bed I thought I would be better served by writing down some notes about the meeting instead of blogging. We’ll see if it pays off. Work continues this morning, although I’m not quite sure what ‘the next thing’ is quite yet.

The weather is beautiful, it feels like spring. The girls are off tomorrow, which complicates things, but I’ve got today and tomorrow to prepare for the end of the sprint.

I’ve generally been trying to ignore the outside world lately. The last ninety days have been a whirlwind, and I’m not sure that I’ve gotten used to it yet. It’s definitely been a bit rough and tumble, but I’m taking the role in stride.

Sometimes I worry what I have to offer other people, but I generally try to ignore it and come back to the moment. Cain said, of impostor syndrome, that it is generally overcome with hard work. I’m taking that in stride. I hope.