
All I have to say is that it is a very beautiful day outside. This morning’s routine with the kids was very smooth, I came back and meditated then joined Missus outside on our back deck and enjoyed some coffee. It’s the perfect temperature outside (for now) and we were able to listen to the birds, watch the wind blow through the trees, and talk and joke. Beautiful.

Today I’ve got our weekly PM and dao feedback meetings, tomorrow is end of sprint at Star Atlas which means engineering demos and happy hour. I spent all day yesterday working on a project proposal pitch deck which I’ll be presenting over the next day or two.

I’m hoping to take the kids to the community center today so that they can do some swimming. It’s really an excuse for me to do some weightlifting.

Other than that this week has been going really well. I got word that my raise is finally in effect, so that’s going to be nice.