Parental payback

I’m not sure whether it’s seasonal affective disorder or just the holidays, but I’ve had a bit of ennui lately and have had trouble keeping up with things. I know it all stems from bad behaviors tending toward staying up late which has just been screwing with things the next morning, interfering with my good morning habits. I’m sure I could come up with lots of excuses as to why I didn’t exercise or have been consuming lots of sugar, caffeine and alcohol; staying up late on screens and so forth, but I’m not going to bother justifying it.

One of the thing that I’ve learned from meditation is the illusion of the self, specifically the storytelling that we all do to ourselves throughout the day to try to make sense of our lives. Our post-hoc justification for the way things are the way they are, or our apparent lack of free will. It’s so easy to fall back into old traps, old habits, and living with the cognitive dissonance between the way we are and the way we want to be can be disorienting if we pay too much attention to it, so we find ways to justify the way things are.

When I was younger, in my adolescence, I used to have these unhealthy behaviors with relationships — for whatever passed for relationships back in high school. Part of it was an inability to communicate, or even be able to acknowledge what I wanted, let alone express it when it came to another person. Eventually these unrequited feelings poisoned the relationship, a pattern that played out time after time until later in my adult life. I still struggle with it in my marriage now. But a few experiences opening up over the past few years have proved that a lot of the fear of acceptance that I might have felt were unfounded. It seems silly to say it as someone who has been married for almost ten years, or almost sad to thing that feelings of self-worth that I formed as a child are still affecting my ability to be happy as an adult. It just emphasizes the huge importance of being a parent.

Ultimately, I feel like I’m failing in that respect in some ways as well. It’s easy to slip into detrimental patterns in response to the way my children act, and it’s tiring to pay them the proper type of attention that they need. I have this need for authority in my household, for my children to obey and help with things like setting and clearing the table, doing laundry, and so forth. My children are so young, though, I wonder whether I’m pushing them too hard, but I always suspect that I’m not pushing them enough. I could tell stories for hours about my own experiences growing up, and I’m just emulating the behaviors that my father expressed, even though I have plenty of first-hand experience with how that backfired.

Or did it?

I won’t say that my dad was abusive. We get along fine these days. He just has a lack of, how do you say, couth, in many respects that I’ve managed to escape, thankfully. But he no doubt grew up in a much different world than today, and his daddy’s method of discipline would no doubt be considered child abuse today. Somehow, though, I feel like I’m failing as a father whenever words and reason fail me and I have to resort to physical discipline. But there are some times when my child just will not listen, becomes belligerent, and it feels like backing down is the wrong thing to.

My wife is a bit of a trained professional when it comes to kids. She’s worked in daycares and counseling with a background in early childhood development. I didn’t know shit about kids until I had one. She tries to tell me what’s ‘appropriate’ behavior for their ages, but even she resorts to less than ideal responses when our kids are being particularly difficult.

When I was younger, back home in the rural county where I grew up, I was around my cousins almost all of the time. We used to take great pleasure in driving the adults around us completely insane. Acting up to see how we we could push the limit, driving the adults around us to cursing and yelling. We thought it was a game.

Turns out payback is a bitch.


So today marks the start of my second three-day fast. I scheduled this one right after I finished the first one, about three months ago, and I must say I’m a bit more nervous about this one than I was the first time. I think it’s probably because I feel like I’m a bit unprepared. I’ve been consuming a lot of caffeine and sugar lately, and I think I was a lot closer to a keto-friendly diet the first time I did this. We’ll see how things go.

I signed on a new client today. This one is a new landscaping company that my wife hired a couple weeks ago to do our yard. I’ll be setting up web and digital presence for them, putting together a branding and online marketing package. The other part of this will be helping them setup the operational tools as well. I think we’re going to do Jobber as it seems like the most features that they need: CRM, quoting, job management and invoicing. Pretty much the entire job lifecycle. Should be fun.

It also looks like I’ll be moving forward with setting up a Shopify site. I’ll probably try to sub this out, but we’ll see how much I think I can do on that.

I went ahead and pulled the trigger on Basecamp. It seems like the best of all the other project and client management software that I’ve seen. I’ll probably wind up having to pull Harvest into my stack as well just for timekeeping. The only other thing I’m missing is accounting. Right now I’m sending invoices through Paypal, but I’m going to need something more full featured. I know I don’t want Quickbooks. Freshbooks and Xero are the only two that I’m really aware of at the moment, so I’ll have to find something to use. Between the wife and I, we’re starting to take on a lot of additional work that will need tracking. I’ve been able to handle our tax returns via Turbotax Self Employed, but I don’t think it’s going to cut it much longer.

Conscious realism

Donald Hoffman has been popping up a lot recently, he’s the originator of the theory of conscious realism, which is a new attempt to resolve the mind-body problem, also known as the hard problem of consciousness: how does the experience of consciousness arise from the physical body? Religion’s answer has has pointed to the soul, but non-theists have been trying to come up with an answer that has a more testable hypothesis. Quantum physics has shown us that the classical model of Newtonian physics, (cause and effect,) is not quite correct, and scientists have been trying to reconcile the two for several decades. Hoffman’s theory is an inversion of the physicalist interpretation that the mind is an emergent behavior of the mind, that instead, that the fundamental constant of the universe is consciousness itself, and that the physical world as we know it is but an approximation of the underlying reality, as interpreted by our biological system.

I realize that I’m blowing the interpretation, and that this all may sound a lot like the old adage that we are not physical beings living in a spiritual world, but spiritual beings living in a physical world. Hoffman takes a couple steps to build to this conclusion, the first seems to be based on some evolutionary mathematics that he developed that shows that perception of true reality is antithetical to fitness selection in evolution. Hoffman built a computer simulation of a reality, with creatures that either perceived an accurate representation of that world, or ones that were able to screen out only that which was necessary for fitness, survival and reproduction. In all of his models, the creatures that saw an accurate representation of reality became extinct.

So the first part of this theory is what Hoffman calls the mulitmodal user interface theory, which is a way of saying that humans, and all creatures have evolved with a species specific interface for perceiving a limited version of reality. This is driven by natural selection, and our reality is different from other species. This is easily apparent when one considers variations within humans such as color blindness or synthesia, or between different species, such as the perception of different wavelengths of light.

This idea of the mind as a reality-filter is probably well known to anyone who has partaken in psychologics, as it becomes apparent that having the entirety of subconscious awareness rushing into consciousness is very detrimental to normal functioning. There’s a school of thought in Buddhism called mind-only that has a similar take, that only the mind is real, and that the physical world is created from it.

Two men were arguing about a flag flapping in the wind. “It’s the wind that is really moving,” stated the first one. “No, it is the flag that is moving,” contended the second. A Zen master, who happened to be walking by, overheard the debate and interrupted them. “Neither the flag nor the wind is moving,” he said, “It is MIND that moves.”

Most materialist theories of consciousness get to a certain point with the structure of the brain, the activity of neurons and neurotransmitters, and posit that add enough of these dendrite connections and -POOF! Consciousness. It’s hard to avoid hand waving or magic. Alternatively, Hoffman proposes that “the objective world consists of conscious agents and their experience.” Now this part may be hard to distinguish from the theory of panpsychism, which holds that all matter is in fact conscious, and that consciousness is the fundamental building block of reality. (Annaka Harris is a reluctant fan.)

Hoffman’s theory is interesting because he’s attempting to create a framework for testing these hypotheses with math. These types of questions have ultimately been philosophical ones, and it’s good to see progress in a way that may one day be experimental in a subjective way.


I don’t really have a lot to talk about today. Yesterday’s post was about three thousand words, and that’s by far the longest post I’ve written in months, especially for a daily. So far the reaction from the Pennykoin community has been positive. We’ll see how things go.

I’ve had family stuff going on this weekend, so was tied up with all that going on today. Next week I’ll probably have more ideas about a new machine learning project that I’ll be working on at school. I’ll probably have to doxx myself to talk about it, but I think it’s worth it, so we’ll see how that goes.

Speaking of school, the other class that I’ve been taking at school has been about the history of programming languages, theory and history of FORTRAN and all that. It got me looking at LISP, and I’ve been reading about that, and have been watching these old MIT videos from 1986 that deals with it.

Seriously, what is going on with Harold Abelson’s hair in this video?

One of the things that I’ve been struggling to grapple with is functional programming. I first heard about it through Cardano. That team decided to use Haskell for it, as it allows code to be formally validated using math. This is important in the smart contract space, as we saw with the Dao hack. So the MIT vids are actually pretty relevant still today, and I’ve been learning a lot from them. I told my wife that between these classes and my recent progress learning piano and sight reading, that I can feel my brain changing. I was only half joking. This type of meta-cognition is an important part of why I meditate, and all of the stuff that I’m learning is definitely having an effect on the way I’m thinking.

But right now I’m just beat from hosting 20 kids for a birthday party and just want to veg out with some World of Warcraft.


Saying ‘no’

Probably one of the most important things I’ve learned recently is the power of saying ‘no’. I’ve usually been gung-ho and enthusiastic when it comes to work, and I guess you could say I’ve been eager to please in a lot of respects. Part of that may be because of self-esteem issues from when I was younger, maybe the need for validation or acceptance, or the need to be liked or loved or whatever. But now, I’m at the point in my life that I don’t feel the need to please everyone, and have started being a lot more discriminating in what I take on.

I’ve mentioned before that as a technical person, I was always the first one people came to when they had problems with their computers. Now, don’t get me wrong, I made a great career out of fixing people’s stuff, but it was mainly because I was always fixing mine and was so good at it. But after twenty years, I’ve gotten tired of the support calls and spending my time working on someone’s 5 year workstation that can’t get Outlook 2016 to work right on Windows 7 or whatever. Or someone wants to spend hours of my time trying to get the straight up cheapest laptop they can find cause they’d rather spend the extra two hundred on lotto tickets. (I’m looking at you, dad.)

As my skills have advanced to deal with larger networks, business problems and software development, I’ve come to recognize where my most unique skills are and where I can have the greatest impact. Everything else has got to go.

I recently picked up David Allen’s Getting Things Done a few weeks back and started rifling through it. He was on Tim Ferris’s podcast more recently and hearing the two of them talk was a great motivation. And then Craig Groeschel had a segment last week on ‘cutting the slack‘ that mentioned the two of them by name, with his tips. I’ve definitely been building my own ‘no’ list, things that I just won’t do anymore. And I’ve been very clear with my boss that we should not do them any more. To quote Groeschel, you “grow with your ‘nos'” .

Now that my political candidate ‘career’ is over (for the foreseeable future,) I’ve been able to focus on a lot of things that I had put on hold for several months during the campaign. I’ve spent more time with my family, caught up on house projects, and I can focus on finishing my degree. But I’ve been asked about filling a leadership position in two of my local parties. The idea appeals to me for several reasons, but I told the first one that I had to consider it, and turned down the second offer outright. My first initial thought was what it would mean to have a democratic socialist as the chair of the local Democratic party. It seems like it aligns with where I want to accomplish, but I’m still on the fence about the effectiveness of traditional electoral politics at this point. I’ll have to save this discussion for another post, but the entire state party will be reorganizing this winter, and it seems like a big opportunity for DSA types to start gaining influence.

I’ve also been working with a blockchain project that I’ve been asked to take over. It’s not really that flattering as the sole-developer and originator of the project quit, and I’m the only other person who’s looked at the code. I was asked to take over formally, and I had to say no, for a variety or reasons related to governance and technical debt — another post coming on that one as well, I’m sure. But even when I was saying no to the person asking, we were exploring the possibility of a new project built on the ashes of the old one. This new one would start fresh, with a proper governance model, and follow a more formal design and test-driven development process than the one that is in a crippled state.

In all, this is part of a broader process that I am engaging in with my wife, to streamline our lives, reduce our clutter, and focus on what’s really important in our lives. We’ve decided that we are no longer buying into the American dream, and are finding ways to exit our salaried jobs, sell our big house, get rid of the mortgage and debt, and do what we do as we see the world.

Our goal is to be FIRE: financially independent and retire early, and saying ‘no’ is how I’m going to get there.

Keeping on

This blog has become somewhat of a journal for me. I’m still holding to the principle of writing something every day, even if sometimes when I start writing, I have no idea what I want to talk about. Like today. Sometimes I sit down expecting that nothing important will come out, but I keep writing to build the habit and maybe find some truth that I can speak for that day. Sometimes I think it’s just because it keeps the search engine spiders coming back.

I’m still keeping my meditation and intermittent fasting habits, although I’ve been slacking on Naval’s 60 For 60 challenge. I started breaking the sessions up into shorter 20-minute ones because I’ve been sleeping later. As a result I’ve only been getting 40 minutes for the past couple days. I’ve got about 10 days left, so let this serve as a written promise to hold myself accountable if I don’t get back on track. I suppose this means that I need to quit writing and go do that last twenty minutes before the day ends. I’ll save a longer detail on my experience with that after the 25th, when I’ll decide what further adjustments I’m making to the routine.

I still haven’t had anything to drink in about 75 days now. I haven’t found it that hard or difficult at this point. I don’t even find myself thinking about drinking like I thought I might. I remember hearing an old alcoholic tell someone that they hadn’t had a drink in years, but still thought about it ‘every day’. What I have noticed is that I’ve reverted in other ways, and have been eating and drinking a lot of sugar. I’ve been drinking a lot of energy drinks, and am pretty sure I’m addicted to drinking caffeine right now. I’ve been staying up a bit longer than I want to, and have been finding it harder to get out of bed like I had been a few weeks ago.

That may have something to do with the fact that school is back in session, and I’ve had to deal with classes and a few other projects that I’ve picked up in spite of efforts not to do so. And World Of Warcraft rebooted around this same time, which I totally shouldn’t have subscribed to, but somehow have wound up with a level 15 troll priest and several alts already. And on top of that I broke out my old M-Audio 61-key USB keyboard, and have been teaching my oldest how to play through Playground Sessions. Of course I’ve been spending more time on it than her, trying to get my skills back up to where they were years ago.

But, I did manage to get out and go for a run tonight, which I haven’t done in a few weeks. And I did manage to finish the whole route instead of bailing out like I did last time after eating too much, so that’s progress.

The crown of a good name

Today, I attended a memorial service for an acquaintance who passed away a few days ago, unexpectedly . The service was a who’s who of local politicians, party officials, and activists whose lives she had touched. The loss was all the more tragic given her relatively young age. I’ve never been to a Jewish religious ceremony before, let alone a funeral, but there was one thing that the Rabbi said that stuck with me.

” And the day of death than the day of one’s birth.”

Ecclesiastes 7:1

She told a parable from Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson about the above verse.

The point being:

“At the time of death, however, there should be no sadness but a sense of achievement.  If a person has lived a good life, if a person has fulfilled the commandments, completed his mission of doing good in the world, has weathered all of the storms and rough waters that are inevitably part of life and has stayed on course, then there is certainly reason for celebration at the conclusion of such a meaningful, purposeful life. “

The Crown of a Good Name – Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob

I couldn’t really call this person my friend, we were certainly familiar, and ran in the same circles, but our interactions were usually brief. I did get the chance to spend an hour with her while canvassing the polls this past June. She was there on behalf of one of the non-partisan organizations that she was part of. We chatted during the time, but the two of us didn’t have a close relationship.

Not so of the others that I saw today. I heard several people grieve and acknowledge the contributions that she gave to the causes that she believed in, and how hard it was going to be to fill those shoes. She left with a good name, and one that people around here will remember for some time to come.


Solving society’s problems: business for good

So yesterday we documented a bit of the research that we’ve been doing to nail down a proposal for our senior project proposal at school, and today we wanted to talk about the “business for good” space, an alternative to the shareholder capitalism that seems to be the norm in the world today. Socialists and capitalists can both agree that these type of businesses, with a primary responsibility to provide shareholder value, is responsible for both wrecking the environment and causing the type of economic inequality that we see in the world today. One of the things that I’ve been greatly interested in is figuring out ways to create or promote alternative forms of arrangements, both in the way that both capital and worker power is distributed in organizations. Most of my explorations have been around ways to form worker cooperatives or worker owned businesses, or how to implement these types of organizations using decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO), which we talked about yesterday.

Enter the social enterprise. The Social Enterprise Alliance (SEA), founded in 1998, defines this field as a mix of business, government and non-profits, or, as “organizations that address a basic unmet need or solve a social or environmental problem through a market-driven approach.” SEA is a membership organization, and has several chapters throughout the United States.

Things start to get a bit confusing when you add in B Corp and public benefit corporations. While SEA defines social enterprise as a business model, B Corp refers to a paid certification, and public benefit corporation is a “legal incorporation type”. SEA gets into some of the distinctions between the three.

B Corp is a certification from the non-profit B Labs, which is only given to for-profit entities. Confused yet? Social enterprises can apply for B Corp Certification, but not all B Corps are social enterprises. The certification fees are not cheap for someone hoping to start a new organization. B Labs requires one year of prior work for thier $1000 annual certification, although startups can get a provisional certification for half that.

SEA defines a public benefit corporation as one that falls under a specific set of incorporation laws that are available in a limited number of states, 25 plus DC, based on the details over at Identifying as a public benefit corporation allows business and startups to signal that they have a purpose beyond maximizing shareholder value. I have a feeling that this type of distinction may become very popular in the future.

SEA does a good job of distinguishing between the three of these concepts. Organizations can be all three, although SEA is the only one that allows non-profits and individuals to join. I’ll be taking a further look at their membership offerings and figuring out what else needs to be done to drive these alternatives to exploitive capitalism.

In the meantime, I would encourage you to hop over to B Corp’s directory of certified businesses. I was quite surprised to see the number available in my state, and there were several that I felt the need to reach out to about further information.

Teach your children well

I’ve been trying to teach my daughters the things I love, hoping that some of it will rub off on her. My wife and I both have a healthy love of reading, and seem to have passed that on to the eldest. (The youngest is too young to read.) We’ve also been successful instilling a love of music in the both of them, as the girls both love making up songs and dancing. My wife was a singer when she was in school, and I’ve been a musician since I was 14. The girls love to ‘play’, but my attempts to teach them anything resembling anything other than open strumming on a ukelele have been unsuccessful.

I was exposed to computers when I was around four years old, so I’m trying to replicate that experience for them. I learned to touch-type via this Missile Command-style game on the PS2/e, so I found a game for her to play that would do the same. She managed to work her way through it, but I don’t think it stuck. At one phase I know she was bored and just started smashing keys to get through it. (There was no penalty for wrong letters.) I’ve also had her working through’s lesson plan. She advanced through it pretty well, but we seem to have abandoned it for now. Kahn’s academy was probably pushing it a bit too much. I wanted to see how far past her grade level she could progress, but I didn’t want to push her to hard.

She’s been targeted for the ‘gifted’ program at her school. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I think it’s important for her to be challenged and pushed hard, but at the same time I think about the effect that such a distinction had on me when I was younger. Not that I think there’s anything bad about being singled out for academic distinction, but I’m worried about the psychological effects of being told you’re ‘gifted’ or ‘special’. It’s a hard line to tread, cause I realise there’s might be some gender factors at play with how confidence levels are later in life.

When I’m watching my girls play, I’ve noticed that my eldest is very bossy, either with her younger sister or with other kids in the neighborhood. My wife tells me that she’s ‘exhibiting leadership skills’, and that calling her bossy is sexist or whatever, but she does bark orders a lot, and gets pissed off when people don’t do what she tells them. I fear that’s something I may have inadvertently modeled for her as well. But it is amazing watching them play.

I try to limit their television time. My wife is a lot more lax about it than I am, but I try to limit it to a couple of hours on the weekends. Today we had the TV off and the two of them were playing in the living room with their dolls and toys, making up stories and playing dress up. Their imaginations are at full gear. The youngest did something similar later this afternoon. I was meditating on the back deck, and she came out there with about four or five animal creatures and posted up on a cushion next to me and started making up this story. It was super cute.

So, hoping that I could actually teach them some music in a more formal way, sight-reading and some theory, I’ve been looking at getting a full sized, 88-key keyboard. They had a toy one that was too small for my large fingers, and I really want something that I can practice on as well, y’know? They’ve enjoyed messing with my 66-key USB MIDI controller that’s been stashed in the closet for a few years, but I wanted something that didn’t need to be hooked up to a computer. I found one online that was in stock at the local Guitar Center, so I took the oldest out there earlier today. She went straight for the drums, and wanted to spend most her time out there. Of course.

Of course, we don’t have room for a kit, much less the three grand for one of these fancy Roland hybrid-electronic rigs, but she didn’t seem super enthused about the keys. She couldn’t tell the difference between the two I was trying to choose from, so I guess we’ll hold off for now. Tomorrow, I’ll hook the MIDI controller back up, and start test driving some of these online piano learning app. I’m gonna see what her (or her sister) can do before I throw another three hundred dollars at it.

I know my wife will like that a lot better.

Back to school

Today I stepped foot back in the classroom for the first time in about six years. I got my associates degree at a local community college during a lapse in employment, and later transferred to a local public university to finish out my bachelors. All of my classes have been online, mostly asynchronous, some group work, but for the most part I’ve avoided going to campus as much as possible. During my tenure at this school, I think I had come to campus for one class to take midterms and finals. Now, however, with just four classes left before graduation, my options were a bit limited and I was forced to take a class that would require me to sit in a classroom three times a week.

Of course I feel self-conscious, walking into campus, near twice the age of most of the other students. As I was getting dressed and driving in I thought I might be able to get away with pranking the class into thinking I was a substitute professor. I was probably further primed from this weekend: I was at a local amusement park and a majority of the people walking around with beers in their hands looked like kids to me.

So I walk into class a bit late, since I had forgotten to put the room number in my appointment, and plopped down in the most accessible chair, front row, directly in front of the professor. He was in his late sixties, overweight, with a full head of gray hair and beard. He was mainly riffing off of the Powerpoint summary of the chapter that had been assigned reading from Monday’s class — which I had missed, and was telling war stories.

After about a half hour, though, the class discussion became more and more detached from the subject matter at hand, and became more of a storytelling program. The professor talked about the glory days of the projects that he had worked on; Fortran executables that were actually being called unbeknownst to the users of certain C+ scientific packages; wat; obfuscated and underhanded code contests; at one point, prompted by a mention of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Professor spent 15 minutes discussing mutually assured nuclear destruction and his time in the military. He had served in a unit in West Germany during the 70’s when they were sure that they were going to be overrun by the Russians. Their motto and core directive, was to survive for seven minutes should they be overrun.

In all, I was reminded of several things. One, that I was paying almost two grand for the privilege of listening to this man talk for 50 minutes three times a week, and two, that this was one of the core values of an education that I had been missing during my six years of online classes. Sitting ten feet away, staring directly into his face and having a conversation, I feel like I had more of a meaningful interaction in an hour than I did with any or my other professors to that point.

Of course, this is exactly what Douglas Rushkoff describes as the real value of an education, the demonstration of knowledge and learning by a trusted mentor, not the pursuit of job training or workforce development. I have gotten the sense that my ‘education’ has been a bit of a racket. Most of the classes seem rote, and while the time commitment has been consuming, most of the thinking has not. A degree has always seemed to me to be proof of work more than anything else, a demonstration that one can follow directions. Perhaps that’s why I went away for so long.

Even today I remain unconvinced that I’ll use my degree for what I had originally intended it for: a checkmark item for the resume algorithms which gatekeep recruits for job postings. But those tens of thousands of dollars in student loans won’t pay themselves back so we’ll see how that works out.

For now, I’ll make the hour round trip to campus for a fifty minute talk and see what this man has to say, what lessons he has to impart. Actual quote: ‘when I retire in another few years I’ll be happy to never touch another computer again.’ In the meantime, I’ll see what I can contribute to my fellow students. Maybe I’ll learn more by helping others.