Today was moderately productive, although the fact that I’m wrto iting this at night should tell you that it wasn’t too productive. I woke up a bit late and had to drive Younger to school. They made me take her into the nurse to turn in her negative COVID test, and I felt like a complete bum walking in, wearing a white t-shirt, gym shorts and water shoes.
Got home and did a bit of nothing for a while, meditated and then had a meeting with a firm that is doing NFT custody and lending agreements on Ethereum. The subject was Star Atlas, of course, and how we can bring lending to that game.
I need to do an update to the exchange to update the PILOT and CAPN tokens to their new iterations. Our auto-update scripts aren’t quite there yet, so I had to do a bunch of debugging to get it working right. While I was at it I made some other commits to try and hem up our build process. And also our API got hung up again, so I had to bounce Unit and spent a bunch of time looking at the various options we have with AWS to shore it up. I’ll probably need to put it behind a API Gateway, cache it and add some sort of CORS header to keep people from using it. It a lot of … work at this point that I’m not looking forward to.
I also found out that the Girl Scout camping trip was cancelled. It’s probably COVID related but chances are it would have been scrubbed because of rain this weekend anyways. The girls were disappointed but they got to go to the regular meeting tonight anyways. I’ll try to make it up to them tomorrow.
I’ve got a lunch meeting with my old boss tomorrow. I have this box of shit that’s been sitting next to my desk since I stepped down. I want to get it to him and catch up with what’s going on. I’m also stopping by a crypto-buddy’s house after that for an hour or two to talk NFTs and DAOs. It should be fun.
Not sure what I’m going to do with the rest of my evening. I’m a bit burned out on Star Atlas and dev stuff, I think I’m going to play some OGame or maybe something in my great unfinished library.