Younger is home sick today. She had the start of a cold yesterday but I sent her to school. This morning she was congested enough that I felt like I needed to keep her home. So I gave her some cold medicine and chicken noodle soup, and let her watch TV while I attempted to get things done. When I checked on her she was watching Is It Cake?, a baking competition show.
I decided to tear her away from that. She was feeling a bit better, but I didn’t want to abandon her to the tube all day. So I made lunch, and we drew up a plan. We went to the library, then on to the grocery store where we picked up some staples and some ice cream. Then we had a bit of a Mo Willems marathon. All of his books have been animated and narrated into videos that are on HBOMax. I finally managed to tear myself away, and have less than an hour before I need to go get Elder.
Missus comes home tonight, but it might be too late for the girls to stay up. I’ll be ready to have a break.
So far this week I’ve managed to keep it together, although last night almost relapsed after a call from a friend that kept me up past my bedtime. Younger stayed in her bed though.
Hopefully I can fit a run in this afternoon and keep things going.