So I’ve survived another day without Missus around. Things got a little testy last night, but we didn’t have any major issues with the kids. I think the worst thing was I was helping Elder do her chores and she told me she had “too many” socks in her drawer, which was half full. When I asked her why then I had just bought her socks at the store on Sunday, she said it was because I had been “too lazy” to turn the car around and go back to the house after she had told me her socks had holes in them.
Boy, did I get up in her face, man. Thankfully she had the sense not to say another word to me. She was upset because I made her do her laundry, a basket full of clothes, not to mention the sheets and mattress protector for both her regular and trundle mattresses. Whoo boy.
Everything else has been going ok. The kids don’t have another adult to play off of, so they’re actually doing a better job following directions than they do when Missus is around. They know they’ve got no one to appeal to. Younger has been doing a great job getting to sleep, although she did come to the bed last night and kick me awake at five in the morning. Bad dreams, she said.
Today Momo is sick, which means I had to drop Elder off at school and have to pick her up this afternoon, which causes some scheduling conflicts, but I should be able to handle it.
We made a bit of a breakthrough at work, we had been pointed to a snapshot program for the Tribeca locker way back in Feb, but for one reason or another we had dismissed it. For whatever reason, I took a look at it again yesterday and realized what it was, basically the program that we needed. Thankfully we didn’t spend any sprint time working on an alternative implementation. I think this will save us a couple weeks.
Crypto markets seem to be breaking out. I’m still in the process of moving funds into my IRA, so I haven’t had the opportunity to enjoy the dip the last few months. I’ve maxed out my 2021 and have almost maxed out my 2022 IRA, almost twelve grand altogether. I managed to scoop up some BTC, ETH, and SOL yesterday, but I’ve got to wait on ACH transfers, which take forever.
It’s funny, having money in the bank. I told the kids how lucky they are, we just confirmed our travel arrangements for our Hawaii trip, and we have Disney World right after that. If I was still working at my old job, Disney would have been a dud because I would be too broke to enjoy it. Now I have no compunction about spending three grand while we’re there. We can pretty much do whatever we want.
I really haven’t gone crazy with my money, I’m sure my spending is up a bit for groceries and clothes, but besides a grow tent and a new monitor, I haven’t really splurged on anything. Taxes first, I suppose. I spent twenty three hundred on house repairs — more to come — but so far I’ve been fairly subdued. I guess Steam games are one of my guilty pleasures. I’ve been buying up whatever I want, and have been gifting a lot to friends. Spreading the wealth, I suppose.
I think things are looking good from here.