Good morning, good morning. I’ve been sleeping in till the luxurious time of 7AM here the past couple nights, which is the first time in many weeks that my body has settled into a rhythm. I’ve been taking a 5mg melatonin tablet at ten and reading until eleven. No dreams that I can remember. It seems if I want to get up at five and still be rested, I’ll need to start going to bed earlier.
I can’t believe it’s Friday already. The week has been a blur. I think I closed more deals at work than I have in a long time, and I’ve got enough project work that I should be good for the next three months. I just need to make sure we don’t have any more firefighting episodes like we did yesterday.
I spent most of last night fretting over my WordPress client. I have an issue with setting up a staging site in Infinite WordPress that has been causing me no end of problems, and is keeping me from delivering on the promise I made to get a membership module installed by the end of the week. I had briefly considered deploying S2Member on the live site (because it’s free,) and even installed it before becoming overwhelmed by the options and quickly uninstalling it. I’m going shell out the $150 for Memberpress instead, as the reviews said that it’s easier to use. I just have to get a proper staging site setup and figure out a way to push changes to the live site. IWP is supposed to be able to manage this, and the same company has a WPMerge module as well, but given the tenuous relationship I have with the client right now, I’m hesitant to put any money toward this. But it’s probably the right thing to do.
This project is literally consuming all of my time in the evenings for the past few days, and with work kicking up a notch, and personal responsibilities piling up, I’m not sure if I’m making any progress toward my goals. I just got back from vacation, and I already feel like I need another break.
Life isn’t all work, as much as it seems. I’ve been reading Ron Chernow’s Hamilton biography at lunch and in the evening. It’s the book that inspired Lin Manuel’s broadway play, and after watching it over the weekend I decided to read it. I’m about seventy pages in and enjoying it.
I’m going to go ahead and get cracking this morning, and open a ticket with IWP about this staging issue I’m having, and communicate to the client what I’m planning to do with Memberpress. Then maybe I can have a light day for Zombie, LLC. I’ve got some purchasing stuff to attend to. Maybe I can give myself some slack today to recharge a bit and work on my other tasks, and give the kids a bit more attention today.