
Missus just left the house with Elder, so I’m ready to get to work this morning. My primary task is the SAIAdao update, so I’m not going to spend too much time writing here today since this week is going to be a bit arduous due to the loot recalculation and other stuff we have going on. I need to save my strength.

Last night I made some good progress on the DEX, although I think I already mentioned being able to remove our reliance on the serum-ts package for our token lists and mint. It was just the first step, actually, in requiring static files to generate the site. After I published yesterday’s post, I was able to add a React component that is able to fetch the NFT list directly from Star Atlas, client side. I’ve been doing it server side using a small Express call and using it to output our json and TSX file. Now that we can do it in the browser we should be able to render all of those things in real time. This way, when Atlas Co. updates their NFT list, we’ll have it on our site with a simple refresh. No more rebuilds. It will be very nice, and then I’ll have less things to worry about during these launches.

Updating our indexing API will still require … something. We should be able to do something similar, but we’ll still need to do something like a yarn build and Unit restart in order for changes to take. But enough about that for now. One thing at a time.

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