Evening pages

Bit of a long day today, made longer by the fact that Elder has been arguing with me all day. It’s my fault for letting her stay up last night, and she’s been really emotional and defiant. I also didn’t get much done because I am still watching Younger’s best friend while her dad and older brother are off at camp for the week. And I just volunteered to watch her the three year old younger brother to give the mom some help. I think I’m going to lose my mind.

I did have a bit of fun with them today though. We played Go Fish and finally busted up the pinata that we had never gotten around to for Younger’s party.

And the main good news is that the funding rate on Perp.Fi has been very good to me today. The markets can go sideways for a couple more days as far as I’m concerned. Still, I think a break out is imminent. The price has been very compressed lately and the pressure is building up. It’s just a matter of time.

I don’t feel like I got enough deep work done today. I did some work on an Exercism, but didn’t get very far. Same thing with the SAIADao multisig; there was an update to the spl-token program that broke my script, so I have to deal with that later. Also, I lost some time today dealing with what appears to be a bit of an implosion with Lift.Kitchen. If it had been fully DeFi I think it might have failed already, but because the pegs are manually maintained it’s just been a slow bleed. The community is trying to decide what to do about it, but there’s no consensus yet. It’s mainly bleeding off because of the APY, so they’re trying to figure out how to save the protocol. Tokenomics are hard.

I’m trying to figure out whether I can go for a run tomorrow morning. My knee is better, I must have hit it, as the pain is on the kneecap, not under it. Still, I’ve got some pain in my feet that may cause me some problems. My upper body workout this morning was less than ideal — again, the kids — but at least I’m keeping the habit up.

I’ve just been watching too much TV lately. Hopefully I can squeeze an hour in here before lights out tonight.

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